Stock Market

What’s worrying you these days? The war in Ukraine? Maybe inflation? Or is it gas prices at the pump?

All are terrible situations at the current moment. And, quite frankly, none have a clearly outlined near-term solution on the horizon.

But what if I told you that one thing — one technological breakthrough that is happening right now — could forever solve all those problems?

Because that one thing actually does exist.

You see… there’s this little thing called “quantum computing,” and it unequivocally represents the biggest technological revolution of our lifetimes. Forget artificial intelligence (AI). Forget the metaverse. Forget electric vehicles. Forget even the computer or the internet.

Quantum computing will change the world in more profound ways than all those technological revolutions put together.

It will even help us beat both Russia and inflation.

Yep. You read that right. Quantum computing will us beat both Russia and inflation. How? By accelerating the development of a breakthrough “forever battery” that is the key to helping America achieve energy independence.

Here’s a deeper look.

What Is Quantum Computing?

Let me start my discussion of quantum computing by saying that the underlying physics of this technological breakthrough — quantum mechanics — is a big, complex topic that would require 500 pages to fully understand.

We don’t have 500 pages to unpack this, but here’s my best job at making a CliffsNotes version in 500 words instead.

For centuries, scientists have developed, tested, and validated the laws of the physical world — which are known as classical mechanics. These laws scientifically explain how things work. Why they work. Where they come from. So on and so forth.

But the discovery of the electron in 1897 by J.J. Thomson unveiled a new, subatomic world of super-small things that didn’t obey the laws of classical mechanics… at all. Instead, they obeyed their own set of rules, which have since become known as quantum mechanics.

The rules of quantum mechanics differ from the rules of classical mechanics in two weird, almost magical ways.

First, in classical mechanics, objects are in one place, at one time — you are either at the store or at home.

But in quantum mechanics, subatomic particles can theoretically exist in multiple places at once (before they are observed). A single subatomic particle can exist in point A and point B at the same time — until we observe it — at which point it only exists at either point A or point B.

So, the true “location” of a subatomic particle is some combination of all its possible locations.

This is called quantum superposition.

Second, in classical mechanics, objects can only “work” with things that are also “real.” You can’t use your imaginary friend to help move the couch. You need your real friend to help you.

But, in quantum mechanics, all those probabilistic states of subatomic particles are not independent — they’re entangled. That is, if we know something about the probabilistic positioning of one subatomic particle, then we know something about the probabilistic positioning of another subatomic particle. Meaning that these super-complex particles can work together to create a super-complex ecosystem.

This is called quantum entanglement.

So, in short, subatomic particles can theoretically have multiple probabilistic states at once, and all those probabilistic states can work together — again, all at once — to accomplish a desired task.

Pretty wild, right?

It goes against everything classical mechanics had taught us about the world. It goes against common sense. But it’s true. And, now, for the first time ever, we are leaning how to harness this unique phenomenon to change everything about everything

Mark my words. Everything will change over the next few years because of quantum mechanics — and some investors are going to make a lot of money.

Quantum Computing Will Change the World

The study of quantum theory has made huge advancements over the past century, especially so over the past decade, wherein scientists at leading technology companies have started to figure out how to harness the magical powers of quantum mechanics to make a new generation of super quantum computers that are infinitely faster and more powerful than even today’s fastest supercomputers.

Again, the physics behind quantum computers is highly complex, but here’s my CliffsNotes version…

Today’s computers are built on top of the laws of classical mechanics. That is, they store information on what are called bits — which can store data binarily as either “1” or “0.”

But what if you could harness the power of quantum mechanics to turn those classical bits into quantum bits — or qubits — that can leverage superpositioning to be both “1” and “0” data stores at the same time?

Taking it a step further, what if you could take those quantum bits and leverage entanglement to get all of the multi-state bits to work together to solve computationally taxing problems?

You would theoretically create a machine with so much computational power that it would make even today’s most advanced supercomputers look like they are from the Stone Age.

That’s exactly what is happening today.

Google has built a quantum computer that is about 158 million times faster than the world’s fastest supercomputer.

That’s not hyperbole — it’s a real number.

Imagine the possibilities if we could broadly create a new set of quantum computers 158 million times faster than even today’s fastest computers…

We’d finally have the level of AI that you see in movies. That’s because the biggest limitation to AI today is the robustness of machine learning algorithms, which are constrained by supercomputing capacity. Expand that capacity, and you get infinitely improved machine learning algos, and infinitely smarter AI.

We could eradicate disease. We already have tools like gene editing, but the effectiveness of gene editing relies of the robustness of the underlying computing capacity to identify, target, insert, cut, and repair genes. Insert quantum computing capacity, and all that happens without an error in seconds — allowing for us to truly fix anything about anyone.

We could finally have that million-mile EV. We can only improve batteries if we can test them, and we can only test them in the real-world so much. Therefore, the key to unlocking a million-mile battery is through cellular simulation, and the quickness and effectiveness of cellular simulation rests upon the robustness of the underlying computing capacity. Make that capacity 158 million times bigger, and cellular simulation will happen 158 million times faster.

The economic opportunities here are truly endless.

Using Quantum Computing to Achieve Energy Independence

One of the most relevant economic, political, and social opportunities that quantum computing will unlock is the ability for America to truly achieve energy independence.

That’s because stable energy independence can only be achieved through clean energies. And energy independence through clean energies can only be achieved through significant battery tech breakthroughs.

On the first point, energy independence via fossil fuels is a lie.

By the very scientific nature of fossil fuels, it is impossible for every country globally to achieve energy independence via oil and natural gas. That’s because those two energy sources are non-renewable and only exist in certain places on Earth. In some places, like Russia, fossil fuels are abundant. In other places, they are not.

Therefore, a global energy infrastructure built on top of fossil fuels is one that will forever be mired in energy dependence. A select handful of countries — like Saudi Arabia and Russia — will forever supply the vast majority of oil and natural gas to the world. Not to mention, those fossil fuels will run out, likely before the century is out. Then what? Will our kids and grandkids just not have power?

The solution, of course, is energy independence through clean energies.

The sun does shine pretty much everywhere on Earth. The wind does blow most places, too. And both are renewable energy sources that will never run out. Therefore, a global energy infrastructure built on top of solar, wind, and hydrogen power is one that sets the stage for durable energy independence.

But that energy infrastructure will require better batteries than we have today.

That’s because clean energies are mostly intermittent. That means they need to be stored in order to be reliably accessed. To store these clean energies, we can use batteries. But today’s batteries aren’t very good at storing clean energy. Normally, they can only store up to 4-hours-worth of energy.

That’s not much… and it’s certainly not enough to power the world.

Therefore, to achieve true energy independence we need better batteries — and quantum computing will help us do that.

The Final Word

Want to beat inflation? Want to beat Russia? Want to kiss those high gas prices goodbye? And cut your energy bill to zero?

For me, the answer to all those things is a resounding “yes!” And that’s why I’m such a huge proponent of quantum computing technology. At scale, it could solve each of these problems.

The reality is that batteries are built using computers. Make those computers infinitely smarter and faster, and you suddenly make batteries infinitely better.

That’s why one of the world’s leading quantum computing startups just partnered with Hyundai to make better batteries.

But that’s just the start. We believe the convergence of quantum computing research with battery science will give birth to a multi-trillion-dollar energy revolution.

And at the epicenter of that convergence is one tiny $2 stock.

This company is working on the exact type of “forever battery” technology whose development could be meaningfully accelerated by quantum computing.

In other words, this company’s technology plus quantum computing could legitimately change the world.

And its stock price is under $2 today — meaning you have an opportunity to, for less than $2, bet on the biggest technological revolution of our lifetimes!

Sound like a good deal? It is. If you’re interested in hearing more about this tiny stock, its ticker symbol, name, and key business details, click here.

On the date of publication, Luke Lango did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article.

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