Investing News

The basic form of short selling is selling stock that you borrow from an owner and do not own yourself. In essence, you deliver borrowed shares. Another form is to sell stock that you do not own and are not borrowing from someone. Here you owe the shorted shares to the buyer but “fail to
As of 2022, California, (parts of) New York, and Washington had the highest state minimum wage of $15, $15, and $14.75 per hour, respectively. Many states increased their minimum wage rates in 2021 and 26 more will do so in 2022. In the meantime, a number of companies have cut to the chase and gratified their
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, speaks on a mobile phone during an interview in New York, U.S., on Wednesday, June 25, 2008. Bloomberg | Getty Images Warren Buffett’s out-of-character bet on Apple may end up being one of his winningest investments, making more than $120 billion on paper as the tech giant
Gifts to charity are one of the best tax-saving opportunities available. Not only does the charity benefit, but taxpayers enjoy tax savings by deducting part or all of their contributions on their tax returns. For 2021, special rules extend and expand the generous tax treatment for qualifying cash contributions previously allowed nonitemizers in 2020. Nonitemizers
What Is High-Frequency Trading (HFT)? For a time, it looked as if high-frequency trading (HFT) would take over the market completely. According to global investment firm Franklin Templeton in 2019, HFT has accounted for approximately “half of U.S. stock market trading volume on an annual basis since the global financial crisis (GFC) a decade ago.” This
The rising cost of a college degree has more students than ever borrowing to cover their expenses. While some students opt for loans from private lenders, as of March 2021, an estimated 42.9 million borrowers have Federal Direct Loans. Subsidized vs. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans may be subsidized or unsubsidized. Both types offer numerous benefits,
Fidelity and Robinhood are fundamentally different in that Fidelity is an established, full service brokerage firm and Robinhood is a newer player that has received a lot of publicity, both good and bad. Fidelity was founded in 1946 and has evolved into a significant force in the online brokerage space. Robinhood was founded in 2013
China was once the Bitcoin trading and mining capital of the world. However, the country’s leadership struggled for several years to find ways to control cryptocurrency’s spreading popularity and keep it from devaluing and replacing its fiat currency. As a result, China’s government finally banned non-government-approved cryptocurrencies in September 2021. Here’s a quick rundown of
An Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit is a review of an individual’s accounts and financial information to ensure that the information they provided when they filed their income taxes was reported correctly and to verify if the reported amount of tax is correct. If you are audited by the IRS and they determine that your tax return