Stocks to buy

Companies rushed to have their employees work from home as governments imposed locked downs. This led to a goldrush in stay-at-home investments, particularly for technology firms. Software companies that enabled virtual meetings and remote working flourished while other sectors floundered. Now that countries in the developed world have rolled out vaccinations, investors should consider hot
The tired old joke in the wine industry is: how do you make a million dollars in the wine industry? You start with $10 million. It’s a notoriously difficult business fraught with complex issues involving farming, weather, distribution, complex regulation, retailing, consumer tastes and much more. Source: TonelsonProductions / Although there has been a
While the pandemic meant a setback for a number of sectors, digitalization grew apace — increasing the need for software and cloud services. In turn, the demand for cloud computing industry should grow further as more businesses adapt to work-from-home. And thus, software and cloud stocks should be hot options for investors. Overall, shares of
Last year, the pandemic sparked a global digital transformation as a large number of businesses and schools went online. Internet traffic in some countries increased by up to 60% shortly after the outbreak. These rapid technological changes resulted in considerable demand for microchips — and a shortage. Semiconductor stocks are set to benefit, as the