What happens when you can’t pay your monthly bills? Keeping up with them is challenging enough if you live paycheck to paycheck. It can become even more difficult if you experience a drop in income due to a layoff or job loss. Unemployment benefits can help to cover the gap financially, but those payments don’t
In this article MRK PANW SBUX Check out the companies making headlines in premarket trading Wednesday. Starbucks – Shares of Starbucks gained nearly 1% after the company boosted its long-term forecast and said it expects double-digit growth for revenue and earnings per share over the next three years. Palo Alto Networks – Cybersecurity company Palo
Based in California, Roblox (NYSE:RBLX) provides gamers with a fun, immersive and interactive platform. This might sound like a high-potential niche market to invest in. However, it appears that some overeager folks are trading RBLX stock as if it’s a video game. It’s definitely not a game, and investors should check Roblox’s financial metrics before taking
Many people perceive being wealthy as having a nice house, a late-model car, and a summer cottage. But the kind of money that the wealthiest 1% of the world’s households has dwarfs this concept. This segment of the population owns large portions of major corporations, multibillion-dollar investment funds, islands in the Caribbean, and even rocket
With Mother Nature and Mother Russia combining forces to create an unprecedented pressure point for the broader energy market, investors ought to put the best natural gas stocks to buy on their radar today. Sure, the ebb and flow of these uncharted waters have made sector players choppy in recent sessions. However, don’t let the
It’s not uncommon to read investment articles discussing the best dividend stocks to buy and hold. Retail investors are big dividend stock followers, although the best high-tech dividend stocks to buy and hold is a less common search.  That’s because most tech stocks are bought for their revenue growth potential. Most investors could care less
Given recent developments, you may be wondering why today we are talking about solar stocks to sell rather than buy. Between the incentives provided by the Inflation Reduction Act and the energy crisis in Europe, it may appear as if there are plenty of industry-specific tailwinds to outweigh the headwinds currently affecting the overall economy. Yet
Fee-based and fee-only advisory practices are growing in popularity, especially among newly independent advisors. In fact, the number of firms with fee-only models has increased by 20% since 2019 and currently totals 2,663. That growth reflects a preference highlighted by high-net-worth investors, many of whom cite fee transparency as a critical factor when it comes
In this article ORCL CHWY MSFT CRDO AMBA Microsoft Corporation headquarters at Issy-les-Moulineaux, near Paris, France, April 18, 2016. Charles Platiau | Reuters Stocks broke a three-week losing streak on Friday, but uncertainty looms over the horizon as the Federal Reserve prepares for its September meeting. The prospect of a sizable interest rate hike is
While no one can truly predict a catastrophic equities sector downturn, it’s nevertheless a wise idea to strategize certain investments that can survive a stock market crash. Primarily, all eyes center on the Federal Reserve. Recently, in a question-and-answer session hosted by the Cato Institute, Fed chair Jerome Powell committed to raising interest rates until